Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Namely Names

However strange it may be that the internet is a tool to help solicit for projects, I plan to do so. I need to come up with a final creative project that relates to a poem that has resonated with me over the course of the semester.

The poem I have selected is called "Saying Your Names" by Richard Siken from his book, Crush. The poem is nearly three pages of variations on a name, how we name things, what we name, the people we name and so on, completely exploding the idea of "what's in a name?"

Here is where you come in, I am asking for you to leave here names you have for me as though my name were not Zachary Raum Green. They can be perverse, honest, serious, insincere, adjectives, nicknames, a name you could see me going by, or whatever strikes you from this prompt. Please do not feel restricted.

After I receive your responses I plan to assemble a poem including these names.


  1. Jesus Beater Rambus

    Beard Milker

    Bag of Shitter, Sink Pisser

    Man Of His Culture, Not His Religion

    Penis Wacker

    Apple (Hard)Core
